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The Issue and Strategies of Higher Education Faculty Professional Teaching Development
作者 濮世緯李逢堅
本研究主要在探討大學教師教學專業發展問題與因應策略,係以一所北部 教學型大學教師為研究對象,採用質性半結構式訪談法進行,於2017年3月至 5月間,辦理10個場次,每次訪談2-3位,總計25位專任教師參與,針對大 學教師在教學現場中遭遇的問題、教師在教學方面之調適與因應策略,以及教 師在教學專業成長方面之具體資源與成長管道提供分析與討論。本研究發現目 前大學生的學習問題以學習動機低落、學習態度不佳,以及小組合作學習成效 不如預期為主;教師教學中難題主要以師生互動,以及學生能力差距過大為主; 大學教師在課程教學與動機激勵方面需進行更多元的調整與因應,包括1.適時 鼓勵學生,激發其學習動機與潛能;2.定期更新教材內容,增加實務討論與業 師分享;3.將資訊科技融入教學,創造學習互動性;4.因應學生能力落差,進 行差異化教學與補救教學;5.善用分組學習,提升學生學習的自主性;6.教導 學生學習策略與方法,培養其思考與就業力;7.經由非正式的聚會,瞭解學生 學習與生涯發展問題。另外,教師較傾向於專業學習社群與相關聚會時間參與 教學專業發展。最後,本研究並對大學教師與教學發展中心/教學資源中心提出 教學專業發展之相關建議。
This study mainly focuses on the issues and the strategies of higher education faculty teaching professional development. The research is based on one university located in the northern part of Taiwan. In the year of 2017, ten sessions of qualitative semi-structured group interview were held from March to May. Twenty five full-time faculty members were interviewed (2-3 interviewees per session). The main purpose of the interview focuses on the problems they met while teaching, including the practice of classroom teaching, the strategies of teaching adaptation, the resources of faculty teaching professional development, and faculty’s expectation of school administration assistance. The results of the study suggest that direct motivation from faculty is an effective way to facilitate students’ learning, such as encouraging students to develop their learning potentials, regularly updating teaching materials, bringing new technology to teaching to develop class interaction, applying both differentiated instruction and remedial teaching to narrow the big gap of students’ learning ability, improving students’ learning autonomy through group cooperation, developing students’ learning strategies, their ability of critical thinking and advantage in job market, and understanding students’ learning and life planning problems through teacher-student informal meeting. At the end of the research, the suggestions and advice about teacher professional development are given to the higher education faculty and the center for teaching and learning.
起訖頁 141-174
關鍵詞 大學教師高校教師教學專業發展教學精進與調適higher education facultyprofessional developmentteaching improvement and adaptation
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201712 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 「跨越生涯荊棘高原」一一位國小教師的生命史




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