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The Study of Job Satisfaction for Employees of A Fundamental Government Unit —A Case Study of Jhutain Township
作者 陳智瑋謝孟志
This article explores the job satisfaction issues for the employees of Jhutian Township in Pingtung County. The results show that internal satisfaction(3.73) and general satisfaction(3.67) have higher satisfaction scores. In internal satisfaction, there are 10% of employees replying overloading jobs. In general satisfaction, there are 6% of employees dissatisfied for not receiving praise after successfully accomplishing assigned tasks. In external satisfaction, the dissatisfaction rates of salary and promotion issues are 19% and 12%, respectively. Thus, Jhutian Township Office needs to put more efforts to enhance employees’ job satisfaction on the issues of job promotion, salary and job praise, the methods of implementing policy, technical supervision and personal relationship supervision. Some issues are nation-wide problems, it may not be resolved in a short period of time. However, the issues may be brought up to appropriate authorities. Exclusive nation-wide issues, the management personnel of Township Office could use appropriate methods to let employees feel that Township Office strongly attempts to enhance employees’ job satisfaction. This study also found that employees’ job satisfaction was affected not only by personal traits, but also by organization environments. The factors regarding environmental facility(such as work space, ventilation...) also affect employees’ job satisfaction.
起訖頁 71-90
關鍵詞 工作滿意度內部滿足外部滿足一般滿足政府基層單位員工job satisfactioninternal satisfactionexternal satisfactiongeneral satisfactionemployees of a fundamental government unit
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201709 (51期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 行道樹對臭氧之耐受性評
該期刊-下一篇 人格特質與知覺風險對網路團購意願之影響




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