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中華民國風濕病雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Distinct MHC class I and class II alleles in Taiwanese patients with ankylosing spondylitis
作者 許寶寶呂明錡楊國樑黃光永童建學劉素勤賴寧生
目的:我們嘗試去探討僵直性脊椎炎(Ankylosing spondylitis, AS)病人致病基因除了HLA-B27人類白血球抗原之外,其它人類第一型和第二型主要組織抗原是否與疾病病理機轉有關。材料和方法:我們使用序列特異引子聚合酶連鎖反應的DNA序列鑑定法(PCR-SSP DNA typing)分析兩群病人的HLA class I and class II 組織抗原。第一群是130位患有僵直性脊椎炎且HLA-B27皆陽性的病人,第二群是260位HLA-B27陽性的健康人。我們使用卡方檢定法或費氏精確檢定法來分析其勝算比。結果:患有HLA-B27陽性僵直性脊椎炎這群病人其對偶基因Cw12(93.85%)、Cw7 (20.0%)、Cw8(9.23%)出現頻率明顯增加,相對的在HLA-B27陽性健康人卻是Cw3(80.0%)頻率有意義的增加。對偶基因B75(6.15%)、B60(20.0%)、B61(4.62%)在HLA-B27陽性僵直性脊椎炎病人出現較高的頻率,相對於HLA-B27陽性健康人其B13(22.31%)、B58(36.15%)卻有較高的頻率發生。這兩族群人所擁有的對偶基因差異性皆有統計學上的意義。A11/B27/Cw3(70.0%)最常出現在HLA-B27陽性健康人;相對的,A11/B27/Cw12(78.5%)是最常出現在HLA-B27陽性僵直性脊椎炎病人。A33/B58/Cw3常出現在HLA-B27陽性僵直性脊椎炎病人與HLA-B27陽性健康人,各佔20.0%和21.54%。這些關係解釋了為何對偶基因(A11/A33, B27/B58, Cw3/Cw12, DR12/DR13, DR17)在HLA-B27陽性僵直性脊椎炎病人身上有較高的頻率(15.4%),而HLA-B27陽性健康人身上其對偶基因(A11/A33, B27/B58, Cw3/Cw3, DR12/DR13, DR17)有較高的發生頻率(15.38%)。HLA-DR15以及DQ2與脊椎炎也有弱相關。 結論:A11/B27/Cw12 對偶基因跟HLA-B27陽性的僵直性脊椎炎病人有密切的關係,而A11/B27/Cw3卻是跟HLA-B27陽性的健康人有密切關係。這同時說明除了HLA-B27外,其他MHC對偶基因可能與僵直性脊椎炎的風險性有密切關係。
Objective: Our purpose was to investigate whether MHC class I and class II antigens, other than B27, were associated with Taiwanese patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods: HLA class I and class II antigens were analyzed in B27 positive AS patients (n = 130) and B27 positive healthy controls (n = 260) using the SSP-DNA typing method. The chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used to analyze Odds ratio. Results: Allele frequencies of Cw12 (93.85%), Cw7 (20.0%) and Cw8 (9.23%) were found to be significantly increased in AS patients as compared to B27 positive controls (OR 89.09, p<0.0001; OR 6.25, p<0.0001; OR 13.12, p<0.0001, respectively), in which Cw3 (80.0%) was significantly increased (OR 0.12, p<0.0001). Allele frequencies of B75 (6.15%), B60 (20.0%) and B61 (4.62%) were higher in patients (OR 8.46, p=0.003; OR 2.07, p=0.0128; OR 6.24, p=0.0186, respectively), so as higher frequencies of B13 (22.31%) and B58 (36.15%) in controls (OR 0.03, p<0.0001, and OR 0.44, p=0.0011). A11/B27/Cw3 was the most common alleles in controls (70.0%) (OR 0.11, p<0.0001), in contrast to A11/B27/Cw12 in AS patients (78.5%) (OR 21.28, p<0.0001). Furthermore, A33/B58/Cw3 was commonly found both in patients and controls groups (20.0% and 21.54%, respectively) (OR 0.91, p=0.83). The association explained the high allele frequencies of A11/A33, B27/B58, Cw3/Cw3, DR12/DR13, DR17 in B27(+) controls (15.38%) (p<0.0001) and A11/A33, B27/B58, Cw3/Cw12, DR12/DR13, DR17 in AS patients (15.4%) (p<0.0001). The power of association between AS and HLA-DR15 and DQ2 were found to be low, although significant (p=0.0411 and p=0.0467, respectively). Conclusions: Alleles of A11/B27/Cw12 was closely associated with HLA-B27-positive AS patients, so as A11/B27/Cw3 in B27-positive controls. Our findings are compatible with the hypothesis that alleles of MHC other than B27 may confer further risk to susceptibility of AS.
起訖頁 8-13
關鍵詞 主要組織相容性複合體對偶基因僵直性脊椎炎MHCallelesankylosing spondylitis
刊名 中華民國風濕病雜誌  
期數 201012 (24:1、2期)
出版單位 中華民國風濕病醫學會
該期刊-下一篇 結核性脊椎炎回溯性的分析




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