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中華民國風濕病雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

以高壓氧治療作為對難治的柏格氏症(Buerger's disease)的救援治療:一病例報告
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a Salvage Therapy for the Treatment of Refractory Buerger's Disease (Thromboangitis Obliterans): A Case Report
作者 童建學陳得源藍忠亮
Thromboangitis obliteran (Buerger's disease) is a non-atherosclerotic, inflammatory peripheral vascular disease of unknown cause. By the previous studies, this disease was noted to be related to long-term smoking and could be improved after cessation of smoking. Recently, autoimmune associated pathogenesis was proposed and there was still no effective medication for this disease. We reported a case of 44 y/o man with Buerger's disease, diagnosed in September 2003 with manifestation of digital gangrene of fingers. Digital gangrene progressed with right index finger amputated in spite of cessation of smoking, parenteral prostaglandin, immunosuppressive, and anticoagulant therapy. After hyperbaric oxygen therapy was given, digital gangrene improved. Angiography was performed before and after hyperbaric oxygen therapy and showed significant improvement of vascular patency. Since there is no consensus for the treatment of refractory Buerger's disease, hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be used as a primary treatment for refractory Buerger's disease.
起訖頁 136-141
關鍵詞 阻塞性栓塞血管炎柏格氏症高壓氧治療Thromboangiitis obliteransBuerger's diseasehyperbaric oxygen therapy
刊名 中華民國風濕病雜誌  
期數 200511 (19:3、4期)
出版單位 中華民國風濕病醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 人類後天免疫不全病毒感染患者合併瀰漫性淋巴球浸潤症候
該期刊-下一篇 血漿交換術合併脈衝式環磷醯胺靜脈注射治療在全身性紅斑性狼瘡併血栓性小血管病變:一病例報告暨文獻回顧




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