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Influence of Information Technology into Physical Education Teaching on Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness: A Case of Slow Motion Video of the Underhand Volleyball
作者 陳怡良李昆霖
This thesis integrates smartphone's slow-motion video function into underhand volleyball serve teaching, for the purpose of teaching examples observation and correction, and aims to study the influence of the information-technology-fusion physical education teaching onto the learning motivation, learning effectiveness and underhand volleyball serve skills, comparing to the traditional teaching. A quasi-experimental design was adopted, and subjects were divided into experimental and control groups. The same curriculums were conducted for seven weeks, and the control group and the experimental group received traditional teaching and information-technology-fusion PE teaching, respectively. Differences of the pretest and posttest were analyzed by means of ARCS Learning Motivation Scale, Volleyball Learning Effectiveness Scale, and Underhand Volleyball Serve Skill Test. The ARCS learning motivation scale includes four elements: concentration, relevance, self-confidence and sense of satisfaction. Results of the study found that: (1) Subjects from the experimental group had made significant improvements in learning motivation including four elements, and in underhand volleyball serve skills. (2) Male subjects from the experimental group enhanced significantly in learning motivation (only relevance and self-confidence), in learning effectiveness and in underhand volleyball serve skills, whereas the control group improved only in the last volleyball skill. (3) Female subjects from the experimental group enhanced significantly in learning effectiveness and underhand volleyball serve skills, whereas the control group only enhanced in the latter skill. (4) The posttest of experimental group showed that the four elements of learning motivation, learning outcomes and underhand volleyball serve skills improved significantly.
起訖頁 171-186
關鍵詞 資訊科技體育教學學習動機排球低手發球Information TechnologyPE TeachingLearning MotivationUnderhand Volleyball Serve.
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201708 (6:特刊1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 根據Frequent的變化來分析網路使用者需求趨勢──以104家教網為例
該期刊-下一篇 家族企業集團的羊群效應:領頭羊為什麼重要?




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