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Theory of Constraints applied to the Software Maintenance Contracts in Value Chain Reconstruction and Improve Service Value
作者 劉賓陽翁鉦琮
Software consultant company in order to pursue the implementation of maintenance services is an important factor in stabilizing operating income, which is not only an important part of maintaining their operational efficiency for software consultant companies and enterprise customers eath other, but also for software consultant company through the provision of maintenance services to obtain relevant business knowledge and particular external benefits, but in the service process, enterprise customers need stable software operation services by the software consultant company to assist treatment system problem and provide regular recommendations of the bussiness operations by the operating Software consultant company consultant. Generate the value co-creation and then let each other get to create a unique experience for those actively involved in the interaction with each other. This study uses theory of constraints to analyze the bottleneck of the service quality of software maintenance contract and use value chain analysis software maintenance contract service process and to do value chain reconstruction. Finally, intervention technology services to increase the effective output contacts, and then to improve the service quality of the software maintenance contract.
起訖頁 184-197
關鍵詞 限制理論價值鏈重建科技導入服務接觸軟體維護合約Theory of ConstraintsValue Chain ReconstructionTechnology Infusion in Service EncountersSoftware Maintenance Contracts
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊3期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 物流運輸管理之研究──應用螞蟻演算法
該期刊-下一篇 電力設備產業競爭力提升策略分析──以T公司為例




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