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The Implementation on APP Application for Smart Phone
作者 黃國峯 (Kuo-Feng Huang)林慶全姚啟明楊仙維林雅芬甘家瑋
In recent years, we can see that using smart phone and tablet will increase more and more in our life. The domestic traffic violations frequently, but unfortunately is the traditional way to report a traffic violation is only by telephone, failed to understand the situation at the time of violation. Therefore, this study implement a traffic violation of positioning and tracking system, allowing users to place occur through Android mobile device positioning event, while recording violations, then 4G network by the movie and related information on the transmission to the remote server to report to the police watched, in order to protect public safety by way of rights and rows. The experiment showed the movie to convey two minutes on the server, through the 4G network an average of 5 minutes and 57 seconds, plus GPS positioning due to address the use of telephone or web made inaccurate and did not report the more time-consuming problems, the present paper the proposed method, greatly enhance the efficiency of the prosecution of violations.
起訖頁 189-195
關鍵詞 APP程式設計交通違規事件Google PlayAPP Programming Designtraffic violations
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 景氣、盈餘與流動性對股票價格持續性的影響效果
該期刊-下一篇 應用六標準差方法降低便利商店顧客抱怨




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