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The Study of the Relationship among Burnout, Employees' Well-Being and Intention To Stay:The Moderating Effects of Employee Benefit Program
作者 黃新福趙家儀
The main targets in this study are the corporations chosen from eleven companies which using the Employee Assistance Program. The chosen companies including Taipei power company and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. These two companies were selected by the Ministry of Labor as the most excellent companies held Employee Assistance Program in 2011. Moreover, our study targets also including ASUS, Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation, Tatung company and government employees. The results showed: (1)The relationship between burnout and employees’ well-being are significant negative correlation.(2)The relationship between employees’ well-being and intention to Stay are significant positive correlation. (3)The relationship between burnout and intention to Stay are significant negative correlation.(4) Employees’ well-being has mediating effect on the relation between of burnout and intention to Stay.(5) Employee benefit is a significant moderate variable to affect the relationship between burnout and employees’ well-being. According to the results and showed, in this study, to managers made various recommendations, energy management and assistance of the staff helpful, And as a business reference in employee benefits planning and personnel management, following recommendations: (1)Exploration activities for work burnout. (2)Moderate understand and meet the needs of employees. (3)Flexible policy development. (4)Create ideal working environment. (5)Focus on the implementation of the Employee Benefit and the implementation.
起訖頁 12-27
關鍵詞 工作倦怠員工幸福感留任意願員工福利方案BurnoutEmployees’ Well-BeingEmployee BenefitIntention To Stay
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 應用MDMS資料之用電行為模式分析




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