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Research on the Design Improvement of Police Mobile Device M-Police Ⅱ under Users’ Viewpoints
作者 藍天雄楊錦龍陳雅雯
隨著時代的進步,加上資訊爆炸的來臨,電腦硬體性能與資訊系統功能提升而改變了公務部門的行政作業,對於各項查詢及便民之資訊必須即時性,以提升政府行政效率。內政部警政署為強化外勤警察人員執勤中之效率及為民服務品質,於96年起規劃「M-Police行動警察建置」,又於100年使用原M-Police功能、雲端應用等技術推出新型M-Police II警用行動電腦,供第一線員警勤務所需,發揮警察迅速打擊犯罪、維護社會秩序之良好效用。但警用行動電腦之進化致操作複雜且功能延伸性有待加強,影響了許多外勤警察人員使用之心情及意願,因此,本研究採用模糊德菲法探討彙整使用者對M-Police II功能之增進及使用介面精進要素,並應用層級分析法(AHP)設計問卷請基層警察人員之使用者抽樣填寫其分析相對權重,作為內政部警政署未來修正、設計之參考,讓外勤人員使用上更簡單、有效率。
Along with the development of technology, and the information blast, the changes of mega environment of computer systems have driven the governmental departments to follow up the trend, and provide instant and correct information for all kinds of search and self-help entries, to improve the efficiency of governmental administration. In order to enhance the quality and efficiency of on-duty policemen on serving people, National Police Agency has scheduled the 'Establishment of Police Mobile Device M-Police' since 2007; then in 2011, an upgraded version of Police Mobile computer, M-Police II, which based on the original functional and combined with cloud-applications, has been released. So that the first line policemen can use it to execute their tasks, fight against crime and maintain the social orders. However, the police mobile computers are rather complicated while upgrading, and there's large space to improve for extending the applications. These factors have impacted many of the on-duty policemen's feeling and willingness. And this study is focus on probing the suggestions by Fuzzy Delphi Method ,on improving the functions and simplifying the interfaces to implement more convenience and efficiency for the on-duty policemen. The targeted group are the first line policemen in Miaoli Police Bureau, and weights the results by AHP. The study results will be moderate suggestions for National Police Agency for their future modification, scheduling and design.
起訖頁 171-185
關鍵詞 M-Police行動載具糊模德菲法層級分析法M-POLICE IImobile deviceFuzzy Delphi MethoAHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201509 (4:2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 結合臉書的系友追蹤系統
該期刊-下一篇 消費者對便利商店霜淇淋購買意願影響因素之研究




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