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The rational behavior pattern discusses the 3C product clean behavior -take the university students in Hualien area as an example
作者 郭德貞鍾逸靜鍾孟緣陳彥憬蔡佳妍鄭利偉林敬堃
We use Ajzen (1980) theory of reasoned action as the basic framework to understand the knowledge, attitude, subjective norm of cleaning behavior of 3C products among undergraduates in Hualien area. This study’s purpose was to explore the influencing factors of the cleaning behavioral intentions and cleaning behavior of 3C products among college students. Our research objects are undergraduates in Hualien area. Our sampling method was purposive sampling and questionnaire was self-designed and structured. For the cleaning attitude, 76.6% of the surveyed students agreed that was very important. The percentage of cleaning volition was 73.5%. The most cleaning frequency was biweekly one time and the percentage of that was 23.6%. The time of cleaning was 10 minutes. The motivation of cleaning was that the products become dirty. Under the control of demographic variables, the clean cognitive behavioral attitudes, subjective norms and intentions to clean behavior was a positive association. We use logistic regression to predict the cleaning behavior. The clean cognitive behavior and intentions have significant positive impact on the cleaning behavior, clean behavior while on attitude, there was a negative impact. We recommend to increase awareness of clean behavior and of motivation of cleaning firstly so as to effectively enhance the cleaning behavior.
起訖頁 257-267
關鍵詞 理性行為理論清潔行為3C產品大學生Theory of Reasoned Actioncleaning behavior3C productscollege students
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 結構型商品之評價與分析──以不保本可買回連結雙標的每日計息商品為例
該期刊-下一篇 企業薪資制度分析與調整之個案研究




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