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The Entrepreneurial Decision-Making of Business opportunity-A Study of Bicycle Industry Supply Chain
作者 賴明弘洪瑋珊
台灣人對創業的熱衷程度雖然高居亞洲之冠,但創業失敗的退出者也不少,而許多創業失敗的原因都能在創業前就排除。創業若要成功,最關鍵的還是創業之初的準備。然而掌握市場的動態絕非易事,創業伴隨一定的風險,創業者在下定創業決策時的考量,成為關鍵。在A-Team組成後的台灣,儼然成為自行車產業的供應鏈中心,同時政府在台灣提倡自行車島的概念與國際環保意識的興起,自行車的市場需求量日漸增加。發展近 50碳纖維使用在自行車的絕佳性能以及碳纖維製品高單價的可觀利潤,成為零組件製造商的關注對象,零組件製造商的創業就在這樣的背景下如雨後春筍不斷冒出。本研究將以兩個自行車創業的正負案例為對象,分別以創業家的個人情況、產業評估與創業機會三大方向進行深入訪談,探討創業決策的關鍵。
The spirit of entrepreneurship is growing in Taiwan. According to GEM’s research, a remarkably high level of entrepreneurial intention shows that nearly 26% Taiwanese prepare to start a business within the next three years. Starting a company is not as easy as what most people thinks, examples of entrepreneurs who have failed would be too many to enumerate. How to avoid startup fail is the first question people have to deal with, when they try to start a new business. After A-Team has been founded, Taiwan now plays a central role in the supply chain of bicycle industry. Increasing demand attracts lot of entrepreneurs; the major driver is emergence of cycling as a preferred recreational and fitness activity, rising fuel prices and environmental awareness. Over 50 years of development, the profitable material – carbon become components manufacturers concern. The entrepreneurs of bicycle chain arise from this background, and the research focus on both positive and negative bicycle business cases, assess the direction of the three in-depth interviews, personal circumstances, industry and entrepreneurship opportunities, discuss key business decisions.
起訖頁 24-32
關鍵詞 創業創業決策自行車產業供應鏈成功關鍵EntrepreneurshipDecision-MakingBicycle industrySupply chain
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 公平貿易咖啡購買意願影響因素之探討
該期刊-下一篇 應用倒傳遞類神經網路預測飛機零組件之故障時間──以T700發動機電子控制單元為例




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