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A Study of Relationships among Internal Service Quality, Psychological Capital and Job Satisfaction
作者 梁文科羅之涵
隨著時代的變遷、科技的進步,資訊的傳遞越來越普及、人才的流通越來越普遍,服務品質成為了市場上廠商績效的另外一種新指標,同時人們對於服務品質的要求也與日俱增,所以在激烈的競爭環境下,企業、社會以及個人應該如何將服務品質做的更好會是一個新的挑戰。本研究主要探討內部服務品質、心理資本以及工作滿意度三者之間的關係,並以心理資本為中介變項。主要探討的目的:1. 探討內部服務品質的提升對員工心理資本的影響2. 探討員工心理資本是否對工作滿意度造成影響3. 透過本研究是否提高員工對企業之向心力。 本研究採用問卷調查法,主要針對台南市有工作的員工作為研究對象,共發出問卷總計338份,實際回收有效問卷共299份,有效回收率88.46%。本研究發現內部服務品質正向影響工作滿意度,心理資本對工作滿意度有顯著正向的影響;而內部服務品質會透過心理資本的中介作用,對工作滿意度產生顯著影響。
With the changing times, the improving technology and the popularization of information transmission, the talents circulation is getting more and more frequent, the service quality became a new target for the performance of the companies on the market, moreover, the requirement of the service quality for people is increasing steadily. However, in a highly competitive environment, how should businesses, social and individuals make the service quality better will be a new challenge. This study focused on the relationship between the internal service quality, psychological capital and job satisfaction, and took psychological capital as intervening variables. The main purpose of investigation: 1. To investigate the influence of the internal service quality improvement to employee psychological capital; 2. To investigate whether the employee psychological capital affected job satisfaction; 3. Whether to raise the coherence of the employees to the company through the study. This study used questionnaires, and we took the workers of Tainan as the research object, a total of 338 questionnaires, valid 299 questionnaires and the effective response rate of 88.46%.
起訖頁 249-262
關鍵詞 內部服務品質心理資本工作滿意度
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 職業軍人參與在職進修對生活與工作滿意度影響之研究--以角色衝突為中介變項
該期刊-下一篇 環保實踐的策略管理思維:素食專賣店的前瞻規劃




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