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The Application of Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine on Management Livestock of Beef Cattle
作者 盧俊吉丁于珊林怡先徐郁倫林文宏
台灣的家禽生產多採集約密集飼養,長期或不當使用飼糧或藥物會造成藥物殘留,甚至影響人體健康,本研究主要探討傳統中草藥應用於飼糧對肉牛的成長影響與飼養成本效益分析,本試驗的場域是位於雲林縣斗南鎮的肉牛畜牧場,該牧場是先買進小牛進行飼養,至肥育為成牛後再售出,本研究挑選體重約為300公斤左右的公牛24頭做為試驗牛群,並隨機均分為兩組,進行試驗之適應準備期,比照一般之餵養方式,兩組牛隻皆不額外添加靈芝於飼料中,直到體重約為320公斤左右,正式開始進行二組比較試驗,實驗組(n =12)日糧每公噸添加2公斤的靈芝複方;與對照組(n =12)日糧則不添加靈芝複方之試驗設計,研究結果顯示飼糧中添加靈芝複方對肉牛成長(胸圍、體重)具有效果,有較佳之胸圍與增重表現。因此,如何減少抗生素的使用量,選擇使用我國傳統中草藥於畜牧業是一種替代趨勢亦深具推廣潛能。
Taiwan's poultry production have a more intensive feeding. Prolonged or improper use of diet or medication can cause drug residues, and even affect human health, This study focuses on the effects of traditional Chinese herbal medicine is applied to the growth of beef cattle diets and feeding cost-benefit analysis. This test field is located in the town of Dounan beef livestock farm. The farm is buy calves were fed to fattening of cattle and then sold. This study selected 24 weigh about 300 kilograms of bulls to test their herds, and were randomly divided into two groups. Two groups adapted trials of the preparation period and compare general of feeding patterns. Two groups of cow neither add additional Ganoderma in the feed, until the weight of about 320 kg. The official start compared two group tested. The experimental group (n = 12) diet supplemented with 2 kg per tone of Ganoderma compound; and control group (n = 12) of the experimental design of Ganoderma compound diet is not added. The findings show dietary compound beef cattle grow (bust, body weight) has the effected, there have a better representation of the bust and weight gain. Therefore, how to reduce the use of antibiotics, choose traditional Chinese herbal medicine in animal husbandry is an alternative trend and have a deeply promotion potential.
起訖頁 202-207
關鍵詞 飼糧靈芝複方肉牛DietGanoderma compoundbeef cattle
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 需求與供給變動下之物流運輸指派
該期刊-下一篇 自動倉儲系統下運用關聯法則與集群分析的儲位指派探討




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