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The Relationships of Leisure Sports Participation Motivation and Leisure Sports Behavior, and Leisure Sports Satisfaction among Elementary School Teachers in Yulin County
作者 于健高淑琴
教師參與休閒運動對於個人的身心健康、知識、人格發展、家庭和諧以及人際關係均有正面的影響。而且教師參與休閒運動的態度與行為,不僅影響學生在求學階段對於休閒運動習慣的建立,更影響全國運動人口的水準。因此,本研究透過抽樣調查法了解國小教師休閒運動參與現況,探討不同特性之國小教師,其休閒運動參與動機、休閒運動行為與滿意度之關聯性。研究發現: (1)調查結果顯示大多數國小教師之休閒運動量不足,對於休閒運動項目之選擇相當分散。 (2)在休閒運動參與動機方面,男教師比女教師重視生理因素與心理因素;50 歲以上教師較重視生理因素;有任教體育科目之教師較重視成就因素與社會因素;開放性人格特質之教師比封閉性人格特質之教師同樣較重視成就因素與社會因素;高休閒運動時間之教師較重視生理、心理與成就因素;高休閒運動費用之教師則較重視成就與社會因素。(3)在休閒運動行為方面,男性、20-29 歲及有任教體育科目之教師投入較多休閒運動時間;而已婚之教師則明顯投入較少休閒運動時間。在休閒運動費用方面則無顯著差異。(4) 在休閒運動滿意度方面,男性、有任教體育科目及開放性人格特質之教師有較高的休閒運動滿意度。(5) 休閒運動參與動機對休閒運動滿意度有顯著正面影響。 (6) 每月休閒運動時間對休閒運動滿意度有顯著正面影響。 (7) 每月休閒運動時間在休閒運動參與動機對休閒運動滿意度之影響方面具有中介效果。
This study was designed to examine the relationships of leisure sports participation motivation, leisure sports behavior and leisure sports satisfaction among elementary school teachers. A total of 235 valid questionnaires were. The main findings of this study are as follows. 1. The results pointed to most of the elementary school teacher lack of leisure physical activity, and they are quite different from the choice of leisure sports. 2. Aspects of leisure sports participation motivation, males more emphasis on physiological factors and psychological factors, 50 years and older teachers more emphasis on physiological factors; PE teachers place more emphasis on achievement factors and social factors, the openness personality teachers place more emphasis on achievement factors and social factors, the higher leisure sports time teachers place more emphasis on physiological factors, psychological factors and achievement factors, the higher leisure sports expenditure place more emphasis on achievement factors and social factors. 3. Aspects of leisure sports behavior, the male teachers, the age of 20 to 29 years-old teachers and the PE teachers to invest more leisure sports time, but the married teachers put less leisure sports time. Teachers’ leisure sports expenditure no significant difference. 4. Aspects of leisure sports satisfaction, the male teachers, the PE teachers and the openness personality teachers have a higher satisfaction with leisure sports. 5. The leisure sports participation motivation has significant positive impact on leisure satisfaction. 6. Monthly leisure sports time have a significant positive effect on leisure satisfaction. 7. Monthly leisure sports time has mediating effect on the impact of leisure sports participation motivation for leisure sports satisfaction.
起訖頁 317-333
關鍵詞 休閒運動參與動機休閒運動行為休閒運動滿意度教師Leisure Sports Participation MotivationLeisure Sports BehaviorLeisure Sports SatisfactionTeachers
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201503 (4:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
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