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Global e-Learning research trends analysis: A case study in SSCI database from 1988 to 2013
作者 蔡緒浩
數位學習是學習者應用數位媒介學習的過程,數位媒介還包括企業網路、電腦、衛星廣播、錄影帶及互動式電視等。現在大家所提的數位學習,基本上涵括了學習科技演進過程中的諸多名詞與方法。因此,本研究的目的希望能探討數位學習的發展過程,我們從文獻探討與書目計量學的觀點,去探究數位學習未來的整體發展。本研究從Social Science Citation Index(SSCI)資料庫,使用”e-Learning”作為關鍵字,檢核1988至2013年間的期刊文章。首先,本研究將依據八個不同的類別,把數位學習的期刊文獻依不同的出版年代、文獻引用、出版國家、出版機構、文獻型態、使用語言、學科種類與出版期刊,對其進行歸納與整理分析。同時本研究中也將使用洛卡定律來分析期刊文獻與作者生產力的分布情形。透過以上的研究,本文期望可以為數位學習往後的研究、技術趨勢和預測的摘要,促進知識的積累與回顧技術擴散提供指標參考方向,藉此,學者對於數位學習相關的研究可以聚焦於核心優秀的學術期刊類別。這意味著在優秀期刊中,經常會產生這類學術領域的領導學者與優良文獻的現象。
The e-Learning applies the digital media for learning process and the digital media also includes computer, satellite, broadcast, video tape, interaction TV and so on. The e-Learning what people mentioned basically involves the terms and methodologies of learning technology migration. Applying bibliometric approach, this paper analyzes e-learning research trends from 1988 to 2013 by locating headings “e-Learning” in topics in the SSCI database. The bibliometric analytical technique is used to examine the topics in SSCI database from 1988 to 2013, we found 3388 articles in the fields. This paper implements and classifies e-Learning articles using the following eight categories — publication year, citation, country/territory, document type, institute name, language, source title and subject area — for different distribution status in order to explore the differences and how e-Learning technologies have developed in this period to analyze e-Learning research tendencies under the above result. Also, the paper performs the K-S test to check whether the analysis follows Lotka’s law. This analysis provides a roadmap for future research abstracts technology trend information and facilitates knowledge accumulations so that e-Learning researchers can save some time since core knowledge will be concentrated in core categories. This implies that the phenomenon 'success breeds success' is more common in higher quality publications.
起訖頁 252-262
關鍵詞 數位學習作者生產力洛卡定律e-LearningAuthor ProductivityLotka’s Law
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201503 (4:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 建立飛機環控系統重要組件維修策略
該期刊-下一篇 組織公平與組織公民行為之關係:以工作滿足為中介變數




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