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The Effect of Motion Classifications and Operator Builds on Learning Effect – An Example of the Students of Tungnan University
作者 張東孟陳良和
Improving the efficiency and reducing the production unit cost is one of the primary competitive factors. The cost will be reduced by efficiently performing the operations. There are many factors that affect the efficiency of production, such as operation complexity, operator’s personality, operation methods, and operating environment, especially operators themselves. For performing a certain task, the learning effect of an operator being affected by motion classifications and operator builds are conducted in order to quickly establish the standard time of a task. Therefore, an experiment and analyses of variance for the two factors, the classifications of motions and operator builds, upon the learning effect of an operator are conducted. According to the results, motion classifications and operator builds can affect the learning effect of an operator. Based on the consequences, the tasks can be assigned appropriately to an operator on an assembly line so as to promptly establish the standard time, enhance the productivity, and lower the manufacturing cost.
起訖頁 1-10
關鍵詞 學習曲線學習效果知覺品質體型標準時間learning curvelearning effectmotion classificationsoperator buildsstandard time
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201409 (3:2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 Establishment of FPG Shopping from B2B to B2C for Mainland China
該期刊-下一篇 社交廣告效果衡量研究




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