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Key Success Factors on Promoting the MICE in Taiwan
作者 邱城英陳雅虹游程凱張雯雅林昱成徐小鳳
In recent years, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) of international and domestic trade have emerged as a service industry for promoting multi-economic development. This industry has proven its potential and add-in values with its offering unfathomable benefits and output to all of the exhibitors; with its prompting the hosting city and country to win their publicities; and with its deriving business opportunities to the related industries in the follow-up developments. Since 2009, our government has listed MICE into the top 10 most important services of Taiwan. This research aims at presenting the core values of the MICE industry as well as its current status and future development in Taiwan, to explore those critical factors in how to successfully promote MICE from Taiwan business participations. The research is based on the questionnaires surveys to the business exhibitors of international MICE in Taiwan. Survey conducted by questionnaires sheets in form of printed paper and emails (to the some MICE experts), among 55 send-out receiving 47 effective reply-backs, a total of 85.75% valid response rate. This study adopted the Hierarchy Process (AHP) method on the questionnaires from reply-backs to identify the priorities and rankings of key success factors (KSF) for the MICE industry. Research results of the survey are to provide a reference for government and business exhibitors of MICE. The results indicated that ‘the professional quality of the exhibitors and their services’ (16.10%) was the most important factor, followed by ‘diversities of the products’ (14.90%), ‘setting-up and managing a unified portal website for the event’ (11.70%),‘event regular reviews’ (10.20%), ‘traffic convenience’ (6.80%). In addition, ‘promotion of green MICE’ (0.40%), ‘visitor’s reward program’ (0.40%), ‘event environment and surroundings’(0.40%), ‘regulations on MICE’ (0.30%), and ‘unified service window for the event ‘ (0.10%) were not regarded as the critical factors for promoting MICE in Taiwan.
起訖頁 99-119
關鍵詞 會議展覽產業(MICE)層級分析法(AHP)關鍵成功因素(KSF)MICEAnalytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)Key Success Factor (KSF)
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201403 (3:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 車載資通訊技術佈局專利策略研究
該期刊-下一篇 屬性層級模式在評價咖啡業服務品質中的應用




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