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European Creditor Rights Crisis in the Stock Markets of Greater China
作者 楊雪蘭陳勻蓁
The financial tsunami happened in 2008 has caused a global economic recession, which consequently made a global stock plunge seriously. This financial tsunami spread rapidly through over the world and sped up the financial deficit and governmental debt in European countries. In 2009, Greece was downgraded by three major credit rating agencies, as a result, the disaster – the European sovereign debt crisis commenced. This research aims to explore the impact of European sovereign debt crisis on Greater China. Event Study Method was employed in this impact on the stock market in Greater China. The research investigated three aspects: (1) Did abnormal returns occurrence in SSE(Shanghai Stock Exchange) when the European debt crisis. (2) Did abnormal returns occurrence in TAIEX when the European debt crisis. (3) Did abnormal returns occurrence in Hang Seng Index when the European debt crisis. Results show: Event Study Method also showed that European sovereign debt crisis contributed abnormal returns on the stock market of mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan; and the abnormal returns of desalinated over time resulting in numbness reaction. there were 16 abnormal returns in the event of 2010, comprised of 9 negative abnormal returns and 7 positive abnormal returns; with the shock and assault within two years, there were only 11 abnormal returns left, in which there were 4 negative abnormal returns and 7 positive abnormal returns; this results evidenced that European debt crisis did produce significant impact on Greater China. European sovereign debt crisis has swept around the world for two years and its remaining troubles seem to have no end, and the endless debt crisis seems not to paralyze investors’ reaction of Greater China anymore, on the contrary, the investors in this area are growing optimism for the future.
起訖頁 67-86
關鍵詞 歐債主權危機事件研究法金融風暴大中華區European sovereign debt crisisEvent studyFinancial tsunamiGreater China
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201403 (3:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 變額萬能壽險之購買動機與認知差異
該期刊-下一篇 車載資通訊技術佈局專利策略研究




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