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The Key Success Factors of Cross-Functional Team of New Product Development-A Case Study Of A High-Tech Company
作者 陳適鴻林永仁
本研究先透過文獻分析,將跨職能團隊的成功關鍵因素進行歸納,找出各構面及其下的各個因素,再以修正式德菲法(Modified Delphi Method)專家問卷方式,對個案單位的研究開發、生產製造、行銷銷售、專案管理及品質相關單位的管理層作初步問卷調查,歸納建立層級架構及其下的關鍵因素。隨後,以層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)對“實際執行者”進行調查分析;最後,將管理層與執行層的結果進行分析比較。根據本研究的結果顯示,管理層與執行層對構面重要性的看法一致,其重要順序分別為團隊領導者、團隊目標、團隊所需的資源及支持、團隊運作流程。將所有因素之重要度進行比對,最重要的前四項因素中,僅有“領導能力”和“專責的團隊領導者”兩個因素(同屬團隊領導者構面),雙方皆認為是重要的。另外兩項的重要因素則有差異,管理層認為是團隊領導者構面下的“有效率的專案管理”及團隊所需資源及支持構面下的“團隊的獎勵和表彰”是重要的;但執行層卻認為是團隊目標構面下的“與團隊目的一致的明確任務”及“團隊有共同的願景及目標”。因此,建議個案單位的跨職能團隊領導者在引領團隊時,除了增強本身的領導能力及必須成為專責的領導者之外,也必須清楚告知團隊成員“明確的任務”及建立“共同的團隊目標及願景”,使團隊成員有努力的目標及依循方向,方能引領團隊成功。
In this research, we first summarized the dimensions and factors of the success of cross-functional team from literature. Then we surveyed the dimensions and factors among managers (management group) from R&D, Manufacturing, Sales, Project management &Quality related departments using Modified Delphi Method (MDM).The important dimensions and factors were extracted and classified to establish a hierarchical structures. These important dimensions and factors from management group were used to survey among the executive group by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The AHP result were compared with results of MDM from management group. According to the results of this research, the important dimensions of a successful cross-functional team were Team leader, Team goal, Resource and support, Process. Both groups thought the factors 'Leadership' and 'Dedicated team leader' under the dimension of Team leader were more important than others. However, the management group thought the 'Effective project management' and 'Team-based rewards and recognition' were important while the executive group thought 'Clear task consistent with team purpose' and 'Unified goal & vision' were important. Therefore, the team leader of a cross-functional team of a company should strengthen his leadership and dedicated to the project. Besides, the team leader shall inform the team member of 'clear task consistent with team purpose' and 'unified goal.' A team leader should let the team member understand and comply with the goal and direction of the team in order to lead them to success.
起訖頁 105-127
關鍵詞 新產品開發跨職能團隊關鍵成功因素修正式德菲法層級分析法New Product DevelopmentKey Success Factor of cross-functional teamModified Delphi MethodAnalytic Hierarchy Process
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201308 (2:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 產業營收動能策略
該期刊-下一篇 股票購回與現金增資宣告之資訊內涵




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