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The Myths of and Reflection on Art Creativity and Implications for Teaching and Learning Art Production
作者 劉豐榮
藝術創造性宜從多方面加以理解與全面學習方易落實與發揮;同時關於藝術創造性一直存在某些迷思或不當之誤解,此不僅有礙創造性之發展,更易誤導學習方向,阻礙全人發展,乃至造成藝術學習之迷失感。若能由當代全人藝術教育觀點加以省思,則對改進此情況,且對提昇藝術學習者之創造性將有實質之助益。基於此認識,本文之目的包括:(一)闡釋藝術創造性之相關觀念與方法;(三)探討藝術創造性之當代全人概念架構。在創造性之觀念與方法方面,本研究分析且討論創造性之意義、特質與類型;現代與後現代藝術在創造性之歧見、以及當代藝術劃造性之範疇;創造性問題解決之觀念與方法;與創造性思考之條件組織等。就藝術創造性之當代全人概念架構而言,本研究闡明藝術創造性之迷思與省思--天才之迷思(the myth oftalent)以及精熟(mastery)之必要性;原創性之迷思(the myth of originality)以及專注(attenti on)之必要性;苦難之迷思(the myth of suffering)以及自我知識(self-knowledge)之必要性;失常(瘋狂)之迷思(the myth of madness)與統整(inte grati on)之必要性;疏離感(alienation)之迷思與關聯(connection)之必要性。除了闡述Simmons III (2012)所提出之各階段學生創造性發展之規準:包括對材料與過程之精熟、對經驗品質之注意、對興趣與創造目的相關之自我知識、創造過程中功能之整合、與他人及自然世界等之關聯,本研究亦由當代全人藝術教育觀點,建議應考慮將「精神性智能之提昇」做為藝術創造性發展之一規準。
In order to realize and enhance the creativity in art, it needs to be understood from multiple perspectives and learned holistically. Concerning art creativity, some myths or misunderstandings have existed for a long time. This not only obstructs the development of creativity, but also misleads the direction of student’s learning, hindering their holistic development, or even causing the sense of loss in art learning. If the perspective of contemporary holistic art education is applied to reflecting on the problem, such situation should be improved and the creativity of art learners enhanced substantially. Therefore, the objectives of this study include: (a) to interpret the related conceptions and methods of art creativity; and (b) to explore the contemporary-holistic conceptual framework of art creativity. In the aspect of conceptions and methods of art creativity, this study analyzes and discusses the meaning, features, and types of creativity; the different views of creativity between modern and postmodern art, and the categories of creativity in contemporary art; the conceptions and methods of problem-solving, as well as structuring for creative thinking. As far as the contemporary-holistic conceptual framework of art creativity, this study deals with some myth of art creativity and their reflections: the myth of talent and the necessity of mastery, the myth of originality and the necessity of attention, the myth of suffering and the necessity of self-knowledge, the myth of madness and the necessity of integration, as well as the myth of alienation and the necessity of connection. In addition to interpreting the criteria of creative development for students at all levels proposed by Simmons III(2012) - mastery of materials and processes, attention to qualities of experience, self-knowledge related to interests and creative goals, integration of functions in the creative process, and connections with others, and the natural worlds, etc., this study suggests “the enhancement of spiritual intelligence” should be considered as a criterion for art creative development from the perspective of contemporary holistic art education.
起訖頁 2-29
關鍵詞 藝術創造性藝術創作藝術創作之教與學全人藝術教育藝術精神性art creativityart productionlearning and teaching in art productionholistic art educationspirituality in art
刊名 視覺藝術論壇  
期數 201507 (10期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學視覺藝術學系暨研究所
該期刊-上一篇 國中學生對卡通角色造形與圖像之偏好差異研究




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