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Meditation on the fabrics in the art of Chinese brush painting : The advancement of modernization from the perspectives of material, history, and mind
作者 黃昱斌
The application of mixture of fabrics has gradually become a new trend of art creation in contemporary Chinese brush painting in Taiwan. It is a highly promising technique in the future using the special properties of the fabrics and the unique effects of ink dispersing on the fabrics. This article would focus on the fabrics as the major material. The four topics to elucidate the manifolds of this technique would be covered as follows: the unique features of the fabrics, écriture féminine of the fabrics, the spiritual rituals of the fabrics, and the use of the fabrics in the contemporary art. At the end, we shall address the manifold and bountiful illustration of contemporary Chinese brush painting with the aforementioned four topics covering history, material, mind, and modernism to lead to the new art form in using the fabrics.
起訖頁 126-146
關鍵詞 水墨布料陰性書寫儀式當代性Chinese brush paintingfabricsécriture féminineritualscontemporary art
刊名 視覺藝術論壇  
期數 201407 (9期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學視覺藝術學系暨研究所
該期刊-上一篇 藝術創作研究主體全人學習與發展之進徑:理論及個案分析
該期刊-下一篇 李伯男藝術創作興地區藝術推展之初探




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