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Nine Tails fox: The Research of Xi Wang Mu and Her Animal Images and Symbols in Han Stone Engraving
作者 高莉芬
Xi Wang Mu image system is the most important divinity appeared in the mythical topic of Han stone engraving. In the study of Han stone engraving data, the “nine tails fox” is as important as the “pound medicine rabbit” with the Xi Wang Mu and her animal images, and also to be provided across the regional phenomena. Besides the study of the auspicious characteristic of the nine tails fox, and to probe into the supernatural stories or strange tales (ghosts, evils, spirits) of Wei Jin Dynasties (including 魏 Wei, 晉 Jin, 宋 Song, 齊 Qi, 梁 Liang, 陳 Chen, 北朝 Bei) for the changes of the fox spirit and the narrative of the mystical spirits, the paper would like to draw the intention to the relationship between Xi Wang Mu and the nine tails fox in Han stone engraving. The nine tails fox is the major object to be studied in my paper by using text interpretation and iconological method to analyse the narrative function between the historical records and image data of the nine tails fox, and also to study the disposition relations between Xi Wang Mu and the nine tails fox in the Han tomb chamber space. Lastly, proceeding thus to find out the meanings and symbols of the image data, which shows the divinity duty of Xi Wang Mu and the sacred narrative function of the nine tails fox.
起訖頁 57-93
關鍵詞 九尾狐西王母改寫神話圖像nine tails foxXi Wang MuHan stone engravingmythimage
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201106 (15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 玉石神話信仰與文明起源
該期刊-下一篇 論神話研究的民俗學路徑




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