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Continuation and Development of Zhu Xi’s Doctrine in Ba-Shu Area in Southern Song Dynasty
作者 蔡方鹿
In Song Dynasty, Ba-Shu culture underwent a historical change. Neo-Confucianism gradually became the mainstream of Ba-Shu culture and reached the summit of its development. Zhou Dunyi and Cheng Yi entered Sichuan to disseminate Neo-Confucianism by giving lectures and writing books while Zhang Shi and Wei Liaoweng went out to exchange ideas with scholars outside Sichuan, thus Neo-Confucianism developed and established its orthodox position. By exchanging ideas with those well-known scholars both inside and outside Sichuan such as Zhang Shi, Zhu Xi became a master of Neo-Confucianism in Song Dynasty and his philosophy became the popular learning. The continuation and development of Zhu Xi’s doctrine in Ba-Shu area in Southern Song Dynasty is very important for the rise and development of the Neo-Confucianism in Song Dynasty. And it also promoted the great development of Chinese culture as well as the whole Neo-Confucianism trend. Therefore 'the continuation and development of Zhu Xi's doctrine in Ba-Shu area in Southern Song Dynasty is not isolated, but closely related with the rise and development of Neo-Confucianism in Ba-Shu area in Song Dynasty, with the continuation and development of Zhu Xi’s doctrine in the whole China and East Asia, and with the general background, environment and trend of development of Chinese learning, ideology and culture as well. As for the geographical cultural development, the Neo-Confucianism in Ba-Shu area in Song Dynasty is not only, in a broad sense, the summit of the development of Shuxue 'Learning in Sichuan', but also the summit of the development of the Ba-Shu culture, and it profoundly influenced the development of Chinese culture in Song Dynasty with its rich connotations and unique theories. From the perspective of the whole development process of Chinese culture, Chinese cultural development in Song Dynasty is inseparable from the continuation and development of Zhu Xi’s doctrine in many areas aross the country; and the continuation and development of Zhu Xi’s doctrine in many areas aross the country is inseparable from the continuation and development of Zhu Xi’s doctrine in Ba-Shu area in Southern Song Dynasty, which constitutes the important connotation and component of Zhu Xi’s doctrine. The more local academically the culture is, the more nationwide influence it has. It’s well proved by Zhang Shi and Wei Liaoweng who had made outstanding contributions to the development of Neo-Confucianism. Similarly, as a local culture with the Min-school academic characteristics, Zhu Xi’s doctrine, with its unique features, has national and even international influence. Its continuation and development in Ba-Shu area in Southern Song Dynasty and its influence on the development of Neo-Confucianism in Ba-Shu area in Song Dynasty, contrasted with the development of the entire Chinese culture and the Ba-Shu culture in each historical period, which constitutes the multi-dimensional perspectives of the development of Chinese culture and the Ba-Shu culture, and showcases the deep historical accumulation of Chinese culture.
起訖頁 39-73
關鍵詞 朱子學南宋巴蜀地區傳承開展Zhu Xi’s doctrineBa-Shu area in Southern Song DynastyContinuationDevelopment
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201006 (13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日本儒教之多樣性
該期刊-下一篇 宋儒聖賢系譜論述之分析──朱熹道統觀淵源考察




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