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《Chuang Chou》 Interpreting the meaning of being free and unfettered
作者 王志楣
The term of being free and unfettered in 《Chuang Chou》has undergone a long and historical evolution, in which Guoxiang serves as the watershed. Here we like to show some literature reference that shows how the interpretations changed before and after Guoxiang: Before Guoxiang, being free and unfettered was mainly understood as referring to wandering around doing nothing as a way to eliminate worries and boredom. Guoxiang made people believe that being free and unfettered meant being free of everything. In 《Chuang Chou》 of the Epoch of Warring States, the term of being free and unfettered resembles more what the term was understood back in the years of the Qing Dynasty and the 2 Han Dynasties. Secondly, when it comes to interpreting the term being free and unfettered from the text of《Chuang Chou》, we come to realize that being free and unfettered is an abstracted understanding of naturally inactive and Guoxiang explains being free and unfettered as product of extended inactivity.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 莊子逍遙逍遙遊無為郭象Chuang Choubeing free and unfetteredWandering freely and unfetteredInactiveGuoxiang
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200712 (8期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《列子》與《列子注》之我見
該期刊-下一篇 荀子人性論研究在美國




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