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A Comparative Study on Bronze’s Characters of Qin Dynasty and Xiao Zhuan of “Shuo Wen”
作者 洪燕梅
One of the important purposes of the study in Ancient Chinese Characters is to seek the development of Chinese characters and set up its history clearly. To reach this project, Shuo-wen-jie-zi, the important document between the ancient Chinese characters and the contemporary characters, can't be neglected during the study. Therefore, in this paper, I will compare the characters from West Zhou Dynasty to Qin Dynasty which had found carved on bronze with the characters in Shuo-wen-jie-zi, trying to find out the differences in “the style of writing”, “the writing conception” and “the writing structure” between them. “The writing structure” could subdivide in four items: “simplification”, “increase”, “the difference of the composition” and “the difference of the position”. After the comparison, we hope to find out the root of the characters in Shuo-wen-jie-zi. In addition, Qin Shihuang adopted the policy of “unifying the characters” from Li Si, becomes one of the important contribution in culture, therefore upon this research can not only find out the different writings in Qin’s characters but also can inspect the effect of this policy .
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 金文說文解字小篆Qinbronze’s charactersShuo-wen-jie-zixiaozhuan
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200606 (5期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 體系化的探索、建構與可能──台灣報導文學理論研究綜述




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