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Era Sentiments and Country Validations ─ Study Nan-Ming Writing of Liu Ya-Tzu
作者 林香伶
The word of “Nan-Ming”(1644-1683) is different means of “Ming season” , “end of Ming Dynasty” , “late Ming Dynasty” (1573- 1644 ). After the orthodox imperial court finished in the Ming Dynasty (mean the Chong-Zhen emperor hung oneself), the continue confronting with Qing Dynasty by three sovereign and many martyrs in south. It also produces “Ming Dynasty coda” and “Qing Dynasty initial”, special in history. Nan Sheh (1909-1923), a revolutionary group at initial stage, play an important role of literature and historiography. It worth attention that Nan Sheh society engaged in Nan-Ming writing in a large amount, including the personage, the events, the occurrence, the deep feeling to Nan-Ming and the collection of historical data, record of historical event. Among them, Liu Ya-Tzu is most important people Nan Sheh society's development.In this paper, we investigated the development Nan-Ming Writing」of Liu Ya-Tzu from the Nan-Ming historical papers collection, writing progress , Nan-Ming biography and personage. Though Liu’s writing of “Zheng Cheng gong biography”(鄭成功傳), “ Xia Nei Shi brief biography”(夏內史傳略), “The vanish biography of China”(中國滅亡小史), “Nan-Ming biography”(南明史綱)and “ The personage of Nan-Ming”(南明人物志), we investigated the writing and research work of Liu Ya-Tzu at the end of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China , in Lili, Shanghai , Hong Kong , Gui Lin. We hope to express the Era sentiments and country validations of Liu Ya-Tzu, and generally represent the different views with other historical document, then reconstruct the historical memory and special meaning of Nan-Ming again.
起訖頁 105-137
關鍵詞 南社南明南明書寫柳亞子歷史記憶Nan ShehNan-Mingthe Nan-Ming WritingLiu YaTzuhistorical memory
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200606 (5期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論《海上花列傳》的現代性特質
該期刊-下一篇 鐵筆柔情:近代篆印世界的女性側影




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