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Where Is Homeland - Écriture Féminine and Diaspora in Hualing Nieh’s Mulberry and Peach
作者 黃儀冠
Mulberry and Peach: Two Women from China is a novel concerned about diaspora. For the characters in this text, identity has always been a significant, intractable issue in their life. For women, identity is inextricably bounded up with space and gender. The study thus is aimed to explore the complicated issues of space and identity presented in two women characters: Mulberry and Peach. This paper is organized as follows. Section One briefs the historical contexts of the novel and the major arguments of the thesis. Section Two discusses the intricate relationships between place, identity, and nation. For a woman, she has to leave home, leave the husband, so she can get rid of the violent of symbolic order. Through presenting the characters’ divergent imaginations of the “homelands”, Hualing Nieh disrupts the sanctification of homeland in support of nationalism. Section Three probes the relationships between the discourse of Confucian school and the sexual politics. Hualing Nieh uses the display narrative strategy to break through the iron cage of Confucian patriarchy. Section Four explores the potentials of empowerment through displacements (/border-crossing) and elaborates the feminine writing techniques employed by Nieh to demonstrate the limitation of the traditional literary paradigms and to inquire the domination of boundaries. The French feminist theories on woman’s libido and the psychoanalytic and linguistic viewpoints will be developed into this section. On textual analysis, this study elaborate on the style, theme, and spirit of this modern novel correspond a great deal to the ideal of a feminine poetics, namely the écriture féminine proposed by Hélène Cixous. In the process of reading/writing a feminine text, the postmodern subjectivity, which is capable of heterogeneity, fluidity and openness, is constructed from the two women characters, i.e. Mulberry and Peach. Finally, this section concludes the major arguments through a brief discussion of the image of fluidity presented in the novel.
起訖頁 269-301
關鍵詞 《桑青與桃紅》聶華苓陰性書寫離散文化女性文學Mulberry and PeachHualing NiehEcriture FeminineDiasporaWomen literature
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200406 (1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 詩意盡在「朦朧」中──論朦朧詩的藝術建構




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