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Revisiting Classical Chinese Musical Poetics through Recently Excavated Chu Bamboo Texts
作者 顧史考
The “Great Preface' to the Shi Jing stands as ancestor to traditional Chinese theories of poetics, being an important basis for all subsequent discourses on the subject throughout the ages. In speaking of how human nature and its affections are motivated by contact with external things to take expression in music and poetry, which, in turn, might ultimately come to serve as ethical or even cosmic motivators in themselves, the “Great Preface' shares much in common with the Yue Ji, the principal text of traditional Chinese musical discourse. Together, both works would exert a tremendous influence upon the later development of Chinese theories of aesthetics. Until now, scholars have been unable to firmly ascribe either work to any particular thinker, or to ascertain their common philosophical sources with any certainty. Fortunately, however, the recently excavated texts of Guodian contain a number of lost Confucian texts that yield new clues for a reconstruction of the emergence of the musical and poetic theories those works reflect. Concentrating on the text entitled “Xing zi ming chu ”this article explores its philosophical sources and elaborates upon the aesthetic ideas implicit within it, in order to help us better trace the origins of China’s musical and poetic aesthetic traditions.
起訖頁 233-250
關鍵詞 郭店楚簡〈樂記〉〈大序〉〈性自命出〉〈性情論〉Guodian Chumu zhujianYue Ji“Great Preface”“Xing zi ming chu”“Xingqing lun”
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200406 (1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 嚴復的思辨進路及其意義之分析
該期刊-下一篇 詩意盡在「朦朧」中──論朦朧詩的藝術建構




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