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Entering, Departing, Or just Passing Through? ─Searching for a stage for Taiwan female dancers in Yeh Shih-tao and Jang Yuan’s Novels
作者 許劍橋
Comparing with the growth of other modern arts that recognized immediately by people when imported during Japan-dominated period, the choreography can obviously be named “belated modernity” even though dancers make good use of or emphasize their “bodies”. Thus, we’ll discuss the Taiwanese female dancers in this article via the point of view of sex. The novels, “The Youth(青春) ” “The Red Shoes(紅鞋子) ”written by Yeh Shih-tao (葉石濤) and “The Dancer Sasha(舞者莎夏) ” written by Jang Yuan (章緣) , we’ll discuss seem display a process of dance history in Taiwan.. They showed continuity of time (from 1945 to 90’) and changing of space (from Japan, Taiwan to the America) . The female dancers of two generations, that show their differences in bodies and in careers from general females, between these two novels thus conceive ways of interacting with different gender. The differences of their encounters and of the results of interacting with different gender are the focus here. Moreover, the absolute destiny of Taiwanese female dancers to wander about territories gives a topic dealing with genders and yearning for nations. This also helps us to think about the existence and situation of dance in Taiwan.
起訖頁 63-93
關鍵詞 現代舞女舞者葉石濤章緣臺灣舞蹈史modern dancefemale dancerYeh Shih-taoJang YuanTaiwan Dance History
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201512 (21期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論「兼愛」作為博雅之教的核心理念
該期刊-下一篇 孔子生辰問題的再探討




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