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The Shinto Interpretation of the "Yijing" in "Kokugaku": Using Hirata Atsutane as the Main Reference
作者 吳偉明
德川國學與儒雖然大多站在對立面,但兩者的關係其實錯綜複雜。不少儒者對日本傳統史籍及文學皆有所鑽研。另一方面,不論作為反教材或學術參考,國家閱讀儒典及漢籍其中對《易經》的占法哲理尤為熱衷。本文以後期國學的代表人物平田篤胤 (1776 -1843 )及其學派的易為切入點,探討德川國 學家如何扭轉對《易經》的態度使它從邪惡及無用外國字搖身一變成為神道智慧之書。透過剖析平田派國學家對《易經》的研究與挪用,本 研究有助了解德川時代國學的本質與變遷、國學儒的關係及中國學問的在地化;它亦同時探討平田派易學的在地化對德川後期及學的影響。
Although "kokugaku" (nativism) and "kangaku" (Chinese studies) seemed to stand on opposite poles, they had a much more complicated relationship. While many Tokugawa Confucians engaged themselves in the study of ancient Japanese classics, historical records, and religion, "kokugaku" scholars also read Chinese texts as well as Confucian classics, using them either as useful references or negative examples. The "Yijing" (Book of Changes) was a text of particular interest to "kokugaku" scholars. Using the "kokugaku" thinker Hirata Atsutane (1776-1843) and his school as main references, this study examines how "kokugaku" scholars transformed the "Yijing" from a Chinese Confucian classic into a Japanese Shinto text. Through an investigation of the uses and appropriation of the "Yijing" among "kokugaku" scholars, this study aims to analyze the nature of "kokugaku", the relationship between Confucianism and "kokugaku", and the localization of Chinese learning in the Tokugawa period. It also deepens our understanding of the nature of "kokugaku" and "Yijing" studies in late Tokugawa Japan.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 平田篤胤德川國學德川易學神儒關係儒學在地化Hirata AtsutaneTokugawa kokugakuYijingShinto-Confucian RelationsLocalization of Confucianism
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201406 (18期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
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