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A Study on the Characteristics of Dietary Culture in Bamboo Poetry of Lai Hui-Chuan
作者 歐純純
Lai Hui-chuan is important literati in the literature history in Taiwan. In addition, the bamboo poetry written by him outnumbers those written by other literati in Taiwan. Therefore, this paper uses his bamboo poetry, "Men Hong Mo Xie" and "Su Men Hong Mo Xie," as the main research text to investigate the works concerning diet, in order to understand the characteristics of dietary culture exhibited by bamboo poetry. The literature review finds that Lai's diet-related bamboo poetry explores two aspects of natural environment and human activities including "natural environment and dietary culture" as well as "human activities and dietary culture". These characteristics of dietary culture reflect the dietary phenomenon in the early days in Taiwan. Many of these characteristics are unique to that period of time and those places. Moreover, these works also make up of the lack of historical data and enable people in Taiwan to better understand the dietary culture of the ancient people in in the past and to analyze the difference between ancient and modern diet. In the end, the dietary style and features described in these works further verify the folk customs, simplicity and realism reflected in bamboo poetry. Furthermore, they also reflect how the poetry of Lai is close to the life of people and the charm hidden inside.
起訖頁 23-54
關鍵詞 賴惠川臺灣文學臺灣古典詩飲食文化竹枝詞Lai Hui-chuanTaiwanese literatureTaiwanese classic poetryDietary cultureBamboo poetry
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201406 (18期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 程頤《尚書》學研究




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