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Analysis of Northern Song Dynasty Surviving Minister Yuwen Xuzhong and His Poetry and His Ci
作者 林宜陵
The poetry and ci by the literati Yuwen Xuzhong, who lived during the transition between the Northern Song Dynasty and Jin Dynasty, were the focus of this study. Yuwen Xuzhong is referred to as a surviving minister, meaning that he held important posts in both the Northern Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty. The term surviving minister is more positive than the term two-time minister, meaning one who served two sovereigns. After the Northern Song fell, Yuwen Xuzhong remained in the Jin Dynasty, bringing the culture and literature of the Northern Song Dynasty to the Jin Dynasty and establishing the system of classics for the Jin. This study first explained the life events of Yuwen Xuzhong, using the historical background to understand Yuwen Xuzhong’s contribution to the literary heritage between the Northern Song and the Jin. This study also explored the historical image of Yuwen Xuzhong as created by historians and literary scholars. Then, this study analyzed the depressed mindset of the author due to remaining in the north after being an emissary to the Jin, as expressed in the topics of his poems, as well as the ways in which the poetry continues the Song poetry influence on the Jin. Finally, his poetry was used to discuss his historical image. It was hoped that scholars could use different angles to read and understand the meaning of the poetry by Yuwen Xuzhong.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 宇文虛中遺臣宋詩金詩宇文黃中Yuwen XuzhongSurviving ministerSong poetryJin poetryYuwen Huangzhong
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201312 (17期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 杜甫七言律詩悲壯特色及其成因試探──以〈秋興〉八首為例的討論




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