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To study the thoughts of Yang Jian’ Wugaojie
作者 陳良中
Yang Jian was a standout student of Lu Jiuyuan who was a famous Neo-Confucianism. Yang Jian’s Wugaojie was the important work explained Shangshu in the philosophy of the mind. He criticized Kong Yingda’s viewpoints about explaining Shangshu.In his work, Yang Jian used the important views of the philosophy of the mind to expounded Shangshu. He put out the heart is quiet, in other words humanity has not lusts. And he thought the nature of the Heaven, the Earth and human was same.So he thought one wanted to find his real heart must resist his selfish desire. He criticized Chen Yi and Zhu Xi decomposed humanity into renxin(full of selfish desire) and daoxin(has not selfish desire), And criticized their way which leaded one to resume humanity through studying knowledge. Study Yang Jian thoughts of expounding Shangshu, we may find that expounding Shangshu was a way which Yang Jian constructed his thoughts and opposed other scholars’ views.
起訖頁 29-63
關鍵詞 楊簡尚書五誥解心學思想論爭Yang JianShangshuWugaojiethe philosophy of the mindideological struggle
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201306 (16期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 梅花吐蕊綻幽香──南宋詩人方岳詠梅詩之探析




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