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Discuss the Style and Merit of Fan Wen Lan’s Annotation of the Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons
作者 黃端陽
In order to clarify the objective of Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, Annotation of the Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons written by Fan Wen Lan not only included huge amount of other researchers’ theories, compared and contrasted the similarities and differences between various versions, but also carefully investigated in a way to supplement what previous researches had missed. In the preface of Jiang Shu, Liang Qi chao wrote:“The textual research of it is true and detailed with insightful interpretation of meanings of words”. For Liang to say so, Fan must have achieved a great deal in a very unique way. Thus, by direct quoting the words from this book, this paper aims to induce the merits and structure of Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, to explain the methodology used to expound and prove, hence to demonstrate the prestigious status and value of this book in history.
起訖頁 107-132
關鍵詞 范文瀾文心雕龍注體例與優點Fan Wen LanAnnotation of the Literary Mind and the Carving of DragonsStyle and Merit
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201106 (12期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論《漢書‧藝文志》的「經典」屬性與內涵
該期刊-下一篇 李基憲《燕行錄》中之清代中國形象




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