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「Sacrificing to the gods of the plague 」 and 「Expelling the ship of the plague」 —the origin of the ritual of the plague in ancient China
作者 姜守誠
「Sacrificing to the gods of the plague」(祀瘟神) and 「expelling the ship of the plague」(送瘟船) were the very popular rituals of sacrificing and expelling the gods of the plague in part areas of china since the Northern Song Dynasty(北宋) . The core concept of the rituals was based on people’s apprehension and sacrifice to contagious diseases such as plague. Through textual research and analysis of the documentation, this paper roughly combed the historical origin, spreading areas and transition of these two rituals and analyzed the profound impact that these two rituals had on the rituals of 「wangjiao」(王醮) and sending away 「wangchuan」(送王船) in mintai area during mingqing period.
起訖頁 98-127
關鍵詞 祀瘟神送瘟船瘟疫醮送王船sacrificing to the gods of the plague(祀瘟神)expelling the ship of the plague(送瘟船)the ritual of the plague (瘟疫醮)sending away 「wangchuan」(送王船) the six sensesthree studies of Buddhism.
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201012 (11期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 唐代兩京地區出土女性墓葬型制研究
該期刊-下一篇 《永樂大典》所引字書鉤沉──《字潫博義》




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