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From Traditional Philology to Philosophical Studies: Japanese Xunzi Studies during Meiji Period
作者 佐藤將之
日本明治到大正時期的《荀子》研究迄今已被荀子專家完全遺忘。在明治時代,有些知識份子為了吸收或應用西方學術的概念工具,有些知識份子對於荀子本身之興趣,經過整個明治時代,荀子「研究」一直一步一步發展,直到明治末年,由年輕哲學學徒以比較哲學方法來探討荀子哲學的特質。本篇是筆者的前文〈日本近一百年荀子研究之回顧與前景〉(收入於《政治大學哲學學報》,期 11,2003 年)的「早期日本荀子研究」的續論,旨在構畫出其被遺忘研究發展之脈絡,以將日本知識界引進西方哲學方法之特點顯現出來。
This article aims to elucidate the context and characteristics of Xunzi studies by Japanese scholars during Meiji period (1868-1912), all of which have been completely forgotten even by contemporary Japanese scholars themselves. It inquires the viewpoints of intellectuals and scholars on the Book of Xunzi during Meiji period. Xunzi studies during this period has been conducted by mainly the following three kinds of peoples:(1) leading intellectuals who have only received traditional education which consisted of the mastering of Chinese classics; (2) leading intellectuals who have learnt Dutch or any other European language(s) and culture when they were young; and (3) a younger generation who were born after the Meiji Restoration, that has received higher education on philosophy at the Imperial University (Teikoku Daigaku) during 1880-90's. By inquiring the context and characteristics in Xunzi studies of these three groups, this article expects to understand that there was a rich tradition of Xunzi studies in which Meiji scholars have broadened their knowledge and deepened their insight into Chinese philosophy in comparative perspective.
起訖頁 153-182
關鍵詞 《荀子》《荀子》研究日本漢學明治思想XunziXunzi studiesChinese studies in JapanChinese philosophy in JapanMeiji thought
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200612 (3期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 20世紀後期大陸荀子文獻整理研究
該期刊-下一篇 韓國荀子研究評述




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