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The Systematic Invalid Argument: On Kao Yu-Kung's Lyrical Tradition
作者 龔鵬程
After Chen Shih-hsiang, Kao Yu-Kung is the most significant theorist of Chinese Lyricism. His theories concerning “lyrical aesthetics” have exerted a profound influence on the study of Chinese literature. Yet, even though Kao repeatedly discoursed on lyricism, he provided no exposition of the complex relations inhering among the following important concepts in Chinese culture: xin 心(heart and mind), xing 性(human nature), qing 情(feelings, sentiments and emotions), qi 氣(material force) , zhi 志 (ambition), yi 意(intention), cai 才(inborn endowments and talents), and li 理(principle/pattern). Kao’s use of the term “lyricism” to discuss these relations makes it impossible for his theory to probe the internal organic development of the spirit in any depth. On the one hand, he employs a historical narrative framework; on the other, he utilizes linguistic analysis to discuss problems regarding the formation of actual poems, books, and works of art. By means of this method, he explains the gradual realization of a spiritual ideal. Thus, although Kao’s Chinese lyricism is well-organized and self-contained, it nevertheless is an untenable theory for interpreting Chinese literature. This paper will elucidate its weaknesses from the perspectives of theory and historical facts.
起訖頁 155-189
關鍵詞 高友工抒情抒情美典抒情傳統Kao Yu-Kunglyricismlyrical aestheticslyrical tradition
刊名 清華中文學報  
期數 200912 (3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 混融、交涉、衍變到別用、分流、佈體──「抒情文學史」的反思與「完境文學史」的構想
該期刊-下一篇 「哀」「弔」作為文學類型之美感特質




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