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The Circulation of Su Shih’s Poetry and Its Significance at the End of the Northern Sung Dynasty: On the Sung Dynasty Scholars’ Annotations of Su’s Poetry and Their Shih-hua Writings Regarding Su’s Poetics
作者 李貞慧
北宋末年,由於元祐學術之禁,蘇軾詩一直處於受官方貶抑、禁毀的狀態。然而即使受到官方之極度壓抑,蘇軾詩仍流傳甚廣,而且留下了兩項珍貴的遺產。一是詮解、註釋蘇軾詩者甚多,南宋初期,甚至已有「百家註」之編纂,這是於其他宋代詩人所未曾見之現象;二是北宋末年或由北宋南渡人所作詩話中,有大量與蘇軾詩歌及詩學相關的討論與記載,雖然這些詩話,或基於政治立場,或出於美學觀點之歧異,因而正反意見並陳,但不難由中得見蘇軾詩歌及詩學在北宋末年的重大影響力。本文便以上述二者為對象,除觀察並描述北宋末年文人間熱衷蘇軾詩之狀況外,並嘗試析論其於宋代文化及詩學發展上, 可能具有的重要意義。
Su Shih’s literary works were devalued and prohibited during the last thirty or so years of the Northern Sung Dynasty owing to the governmental authority’s prohibition of the Yuanyou Academic School. However, even under these circumstances, Su’s poetry still prevailed widely, and was regarded as one of the most important literary models of the time. The appreciation of Su’s poetry during this period of time has produced two cultural products: a variety of annotations on Su’s poetry, and a large number of critical commentaries on Su’s poetics (shih-hua) by people either under the Northern Sung or under the Southern Sung dynasties. This paper will focus on these two areas, and will not only explore the prevalence of Su’s poetry during this period of time, but also will analyze its significant influence on the development of Sung dynasty culture as well as that of its poetics.
起訖頁 133-169
關鍵詞 蘇軾詩註詩話Su ShihAnnotationsShih-hua
刊名 清華中文學報  
期數 200709 (1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 王陽明的經典觀與理學的文本傳統
該期刊-下一篇 王學學者的「異人」經驗與智慧老人原型




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