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The Means or the Way? Hegel's Criticism of the Methodical Epistemology and his Paradigm-Revolution of Philosophical Method-- An Interpretation of Paragraphs 1 to 8 from the 'Introduction' of Phenomenology of Spirit
作者 陸敬忠
The purpose of this essay is to systematically interpret the first part of Hegel's own 'Introduction' of his Phenomenology of Spirit, i.e. paragraphs 1 to 8. The thesis of this interpretation is that Hegel not only meta-methodically criticizes the methodical epistemology and its epistemological methodology, i.e. with the 'means' as its method-paradigm (paragraph 1 to 4); but also, corresponding to this criticism, introduces a new method-paradigm, the 'way' (paragraph 5 to 8), in order to create a basis for his reasoning of the exposition and the structure of the argumentation. This essay points out that Hegel first critically reflects the presupposition-structure of the methodical epistemology and discloses its problem-complex, especially the crucial point of this complex, i.e. this method as the intermediate-instrumental means and the crisis of the truth- paradox concluding from this complex. But then, he deduces the logical possibilities of the crisis-resolving project in the deep-dimension of pure thinking. The author explains that Hegel, following this line of thought, can only conclude that the only realizable framework is the 'exposition of the appearing knowledge' which takes the 'way' as the method-paradigm for the thought pattern of the exposition and the structure of the argumentation. Afterwards, Hegel determines the starting point of this way- the 'exposition of the appearing knowledge'-- as the 'way of doubt', or more precisely as the 'way of despair' and characterizes this way as 'the thoroughgoing skepticism' by which dynamics of progress are the 'determinate negation'. Finally, Luh points out in this essay that Hegel believes one can also anticipates the goal of this way. This essay methodologically interprets paragraphs 1 to paragraph 8 of the 'Introduction' in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and thus provides a framework for the systematic understanding of the rest of Hegel's first epoch-making work.
起訖頁 127-180
關鍵詞 手段工具,媒介道路,認識知識絕對者真理,懷疑(論)限定性否定meansinstrumentmediumwaycognitionknowledgethe Absolutetruthdoubt (skepticism)determinate negation
刊名 國立政治大學哲學學報  
期數 200106 (7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 社會建構中的「實在」
該期刊-下一篇 「存有的前提」與「認識的前提」論三種邏輯上可能的關係--以哲學史上實際出現過的三種主張為例的探討




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