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The Ethical and the Hypothesis of Ideas-- the Development from Socratic 'Dialegesthai' to Plato's Theroy of idea
作者 彭文林
According to Plato's Phaedo, Socrates doesn't content himself with the presocratic physiologists who explain the causes of being with material element or νουζ like Anaxagoras, so that he assumes the existence of ideas as the cause of γενεσιζ in order to investigate the immortality of soul. In comparison with Aristotle's report, Socrates reduces his discussions with sophists into definitive topics and searches for the καθολου in his definition of the ethical, but he neither asserts the separation of καθολου nor affirms the existence of ideas. Owing to this difference of the delivered reports between Plato and Aristotle, I try to investigate the development from Socrates' διαλεγεσθαι to Plato's theory of idea. This paper is divided into three steps as following: 1. A methodical consideration: on the differences between the natural and the ethical in reason and sensation. 2. 0n the hypothesis of ideas, its relation to the ethical and the acquisition of ideas. 3. Conclusion. By the first step, I analyze the characteristics of the ethical and put them into the division of reason and sensation in order to make distinctive marks between them. By the second step, I inquire the hypothesis of ideas into the following points of view: 1. on the hypothesis of ideas themselves and their characteristics, 2. on the implication of ideas, 3. on the μεθεσιζ of ideas and the participants, 4.on the relation between ethical ideas. Afterwards, I summarize L. C.-H. Chen's study of 'Ideenschau' in his last work: Acquiring Knowledge of the Ideas. Consequently, it concludes as following: 1.Socrates considers the ethical as theoretical and sets down the definitive boundary of it without separating it from the sensible. 2. Out of Socrates' καθολου, Plato hypothesizes the existence of ideas and makes the objects of knowledge insensible and perpetual. 3. The μεθεσιζ is the cause of the being of individuals. It arises a problematic of theory of idea in this explanation of causality. 4. According to L, C. -H. Chen, it admits of the acquisition of ideas in Plato's theory of ideas. 5. In Plato's later theory of ideas, he uses the method of διαρετικη by which the relation between ιδεαι and γενοι can be distinctively marked out.
起訖頁 63-95
關鍵詞 蘇格拉底柏拉圖亞里斯多德陳康辯證術自然對象感覺對象倫理對象知識對象相的假定SocratesPlatoAristotleL. C. -H. Chendialecticnatural objectsensible objectethical objectepistemeideahypothesis of idea
刊名 國立政治大學哲學學報  
期數 200106 (7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學哲學系
該期刊-下一篇 社會建構中的「實在」




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