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How Is Overlapping Consensus in A Pluralistic Society Possible?-- The Justification of Social Unity in Rawls's Liberal Theory
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This paper explores Rawls's theory of social unity in a pluralistic society. I indicate that Rawls justifies social unity through recasting his early argument in A Theory of Justice.In Rawls's early argument, the principles of justice are based on liberalism as a comprehensive doctrine. But his later argument in Political Liberalism, they are presented as a freestanding view. From this viewpoint, a free society is not united in its basic moral beliefs but in its political conception of justice. Furthermore, Rawls regards the political conception of justice as the focus of an overlapping consensus ofreasonable comprehensive doctrines. In addition to the idea of overlapping consensus, Rawls adopts the idea of public reason to explain the complex relationships between political conception of justice and various comprehensive doctrines. Despite of Rawls's theory of social unity is criticized by some scholars for his replacement of the philosophically true by the politically reasonable as the criterion of theoretical construction, I conclude that Rawlsian approach is feasible to solve the difficult problem of social unity in modern pluralistic society.
起訖頁 123-142
關鍵詞 羅爾斯合理的多元主義交疊共識社會整合正義作為公平政治的正義觀公共理性哈伯瑪斯Rawlsreasonable pluralismoverlapping consensussocial unityjustice as fairnesspolitical conception of justicepublic reasonHabermas
刊名 國立政治大學哲學學報  
期數 199901 (5期)
出版單位 國立政治大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 論墮胎--一個由充足理由律和道德形上學觀點的分析
該期刊-下一篇 羅爾斯論國際寬容




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