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Analysis of Innovative Writing Style of Han Yu’s Funeral Oration
作者 姜龍翔
All through the ages, the studies regarding Han Yu’s funeral oration were limited, and they only focused on certain writings; most of them believed that “Ji Shi Er Lang Wen” was the successful work of Han Yu’s reformed writing style. However, the author of this article discovered that the use of prose to write funeral oration was not the main writing style of Han Yu after reviewing all Han Yu’s funeral orations. Because of this, this article clarified the nature of funeral oration nominally first, and indicated the characteristics of the funeral orations in the Tang Dynasty according to the development of ceremony. Next, after using table to enumerate all Han Yu’s funeral orations, this article found out that the prose-style funeral orations were mostly the deity honor writings, and “Ji Shi Er Lang Wen” was written in the form of prose was an exceptional case. This article discussed the text of “Ji Shi Er Lang Wen” to analyze the reasons why Han Yu used prose to write, the results showed that the objective factors such as Han Yu’s profound relationship with Han Lao Cheng, paying the homage to the dead privately, and reading out the funeral oration non-publicly were the important reasons for Han Yu to write prose; thus, Han Yu had never made efforts to try the funeral oration writing style for relatives and friends.
起訖頁 159-196
關鍵詞 韓愈哀祭文四言韻文散體祭文祭十二郎文祭神文Han Yufuneral orationfour-syllable verseproseJi Shi Er Lang Wenfuneral oration for deities
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 201410 (58期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 胡五峰與劉蕺山的思想型態之比較
該期刊-下一篇 從形似到傳神:中國繪畫藝術中所展現的人文真理




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