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On Claude Simon’s Fictional Art
作者 楊令飛
Based on previous studies and further comparative analyses of Claude Simon’s works, this article attempts to explore, from various angles, several characteristics of Simon’s fictional art. One striking feature is that his novels do not tell a whole story in the chronological order like the traditional fictions. Furthermore, they do not even portray some traditional personages. Another feature is that an individual consciousness commands his fictional composition and reveals the truth of reality. An “alienation” from the real world prepares the soil for Simon to actualize himself as a novelist and to exercise his struggle against the ideology of “alienation” in the 20th century. Simon’s novels actually are a new-type of narrative form with a profound interest in literature and art, in which the readers can deeply experience the pluralistic phenomena of mutual infiltration and mutual containment. Besides, the skillful use of occidental myths in his works is in fact the writer’s extreme appeal for the research of an unknown world and the pursuit of a glorious future.
起訖頁 49-71
關鍵詞 克洛德‧西蒙神話個人意識物化文學與藝術雙向交流Claude Simonmythsindividual consciousnessalienationmutual infiltration and mutual containment between literature and art
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 201204 (50期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 荀子哲學之價值規範根源問題:兼論孟荀之孔門承傳之取向
該期刊-下一篇 論劉吶鷗、穆時英和張愛玲小說的「電影視覺化表述」




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