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On Shen Zijin’s Nanci xinpu and the Value of His Principle of Up-to-date and Complete Augmentation
作者 黃思超
In the interim of Ming and Qing Dynasties, there are different trends in the edition of qupu. In his work Nanci xinpu, Shen Zijin tried to make a collection with a point of view of being complete up-to-date. First, he had preserved a large body of unpublished works of qupu and legendary stories. Second, his was deeply influenced by Feng Menglong’s Mohan zhaicipu and Xu Yushi, Niu Shaoya’s Nanqu jiugong zhengshi, which followed the idea of following the tradition in editing the works from Yuan to the befinning of Ming Dynasty. Shen had accumulated a large body of works and besides building up its own rules, he had done the job of collecting new and creative play writs of the time to show the situation and performance of qupu from late Ming to early Qing Dynasties. Shen was accused of being against the tradition and thus enlisted a number of errors. This paper gives a defense for Shen by giving an analysis of some of his reasons for or for not enlisting some play writs in order to show that Nanci xinpu in comparison with Zengding Nanjiugong qupu had established a norm for selection and his selection had the role of documenting those good pieces of his time.
起訖頁 145-183
關鍵詞 沈自晉《南詞新譜》沈璟《增定南九宮曲譜》集曲考訂Shen ZijinNanci xinpuShen JingZengding Nanjiugong qupujiqukaoding
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 201104 (46期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 論清儒毛奇齡「伸王抑朱」──以《大學》解為討論範圍
該期刊-下一篇 敘事重心的轉移:從《再生緣》到《筆生花》




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