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The Research in Luo Jinxi Round Teaching Thinking
作者 謝居憲
Luo Jinxi and Wang Longxi were equally famous contemporaries and sometime called “the two xi.” Mou Zongsan regarded them as the heir of Wang Yangming, who could develop further Yangming’s philosophy. However, on the problem of Confucian round teaching, Mou treated only Wang Longxi’s contribution and left out Luo Jinxi completely. It is worthy to investigate whether the later had similar doctrine of round teaching. According to Mou’s distinction, Tientai is the most complete Buddhist theory of round teaching. While Wang Yangming’s doctrine of “the four positive teaching of Liang-chi” is not yet round teaching though Wang Longxi’s “the four negative teaching of Liang-chi” is a step forward less than a round teaching. The Confucian proper round teaching should be built according to Hu Wufeng’s idea of “The principle of Heaven and human desires are one body with different functions, and happening together with different sort of value.” However, there are similar sayings in Luo Jingxi’s philosophy. As the most well developed doctrine of the Ming dynasty praised by Mou, It is a wonder if Jingxi’s philosophy has a round teaching or not. If he did have one, how he had presented it and whether it is the most perfect one similar to Tientai. In this paper, I try to argue that Luo’s teaching on filial piety, respect of elders and benevolent to youngsters in terms of the central idea of ren is in fact a Confucian round teaching.
起訖頁 141-184
關鍵詞 羅近溪牟宗三宋明理學圓教天台Luo JinxiMou ZongsanSong Ming Neo-ConfucianismRound TeachingTientaifilial piety
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 201007 (43期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 論道統──葉適與牟宗三之道統觀析論
該期刊-下一篇 王船山論「道、善、性」之說的涵義與其理論價值




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