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Photography Writing by R. Barthes: Reading roland Barthes by roland barthes through Camera lucida
作者 許綺玲
Roland Barthes was all life long interested in photography. Not only did he write several important critical essays about this subject, but he also applied his vision to all that comparable to photography. This particular vision is in relation with his observation upon all cultural phenomena. Indeed, many scholars have already agreed upon this remark. Philippe Dubois, for example, thought that Barthes adopted a so-called “photographic gaze” upon all sorts of things, either image or text. In other words, by the photographic gaze, Barthes entered into a questioning position in face of his contemplated object. So, the notion of “photography” can even be considered here as “an implicit general process” of his thinking mode, which is also present in his reluctant autobiography roland Barthes by roland barthes. This paper will try to prove that Barthes did look into his plural ego images, his self-reflection and all ideas, as if this were relevant to photography. Through Camera Lucida, one can read/see this uncommon autobiography, one eye upon Barthes himself and the other eye upon photography. Finally, we will try to define our own intertextual reading as an incessant come-across movement between these two texts of Barthes.
起訖頁 59-83
關鍵詞 羅蘭巴特攝影互文性閱讀Roland BarthesPhotographyIntertextualityreading
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200801 (33期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 從歷史記憶到懷舊想像──論劉以鬯小說與王家衛電影的互文轉換
該期刊-下一篇 Interpreting Emblems, Emblems Interpreting: Love’s mortal battle in Maurice Scève’s Délie




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