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An Analysis Study on Power Symbolizations and Times Features for Wang Tao’s Yingruan Zazhi
作者 余姒珉
Wang Tao’s Yingruan Zazhi had recorded the enormous changes of Shang-Hai during the late Qing Dynasty using local gazetteer and biji strokes. Through the features analysis of this writing style, this paper mainly attempts to explore the displayed power symbolizations, and furthermore discuss their times meanings. The local gazetteer shows not only classified local records but also its power operations, to objectively declare the regional ownership without any demonstrations; therefore, the contents of local gazetteer in Yingruan Zazhi symbolize the supremacy constructions. But such a function cannot be developed effectively due to the uncontrolled contents in the form of biji; in addition, the permeations of subjective emotions make the Yingruan Zazhi greatly depart from objectivism and generality, also let it gradually become a unique personal text without the power symbolizations and operations. To illustrate precisely, the Yingruan Zazhi possesses twin symbolizations, they are power constructions and its losses. Further researches also discover these twin symbolizations had just responded to the supremacy losses and conflicts between old and new things in Shang-Hai during the late Qing Dynasty. Moreover, the uncertainty and rove among old and new things described in the text should further approach the features of variation, complication and diversification in Shang-Hai, and their times features can be emerged from these contradictions and conflicts simultaneously.
起訖頁 239-262
關鍵詞 王韜瀛壖雜志上海方志筆記權力象徵晚清Wang TaoYingruan ZazhiShang-HaiLocal gazetteerBijiPower SymbolizationsLate Qing Dynasty
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200612 (30期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 台灣「幼曲」【大小牌】與崑曲、明清小曲的關係
該期刊-下一篇 細讀與嘲謔--《柳如是別傳》讀後隅記




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