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Tsang Mao-hsun‘s Theories of “be Expert at Drama” ——Taking His Revision of “Yu ming-tang’s Four Dreams” for Example
作者 陳富容
Tsang Mao-hsun was an important critic on drama in Ming Dyn. But the only thing that everybody praises was his achievements on editing “The selections of Yuarn drama” and its supplement. It does not know thoroughly for Tsang Mao-hsun. One idea came to me when I was reading the Tsang Mao-hsun’s revision of “Yu ming-tang’s four dreams”, that was his comments on drama are special. What particulars were his theories of “be expert at drama”. They were complete and strict. Have a great influence on drama in later generations that we must regard seriously. I taking “Tsang Mao-hsun ‘s theories of ‘be expert at drama’” for the title of this paper. To research the theories in his articles. Including the words,the tonalities,the structure,the characters,the actors,the songs, and the considerations on performance. They almost contained all the dramatic theories. The influence of his theories was profound and lasting on drama in after years. So we know that Tsang Mao-hsun’s criticism of “be expert at drama” is carrying on the past heritage and opening up the future. It is an important page that can’t be ignored in the history of Chinese traditional opera.
起訖頁 41-82
關鍵詞 臧懋循戲曲理論當行玉茗堂四夢臨川四夢Tsang Mao-hsundramatic theoriesbe expert at dramaYu ming-tang’s four dreamsLin-chuan’s four dreams
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200612 (30期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 徐渭題畫作品中別號與閒章義涵初探--兼探款署「金罍」與鈐印「金畾」




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