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Management of Construction Disaster Prevention and Urban Environmental Ethics
作者 文祖湘蕭玥涓
Construction is a human endeavor to utilize natural resources to create man-made environment to accommodate people’s needs to survival, live and produce. For a long time, people, through construction, have enjoyed the rich natural resources and rich human civilization resources. Construction does contribute to enhance the public welfare. However, more and more improper construction events may easily increase the business running costs as well as irreversible damage to our environment. It thus exists a need to call attention for the importance of construction disaster prevention. While sustainable development has become a worldwide mainstream value, this paper is conducted to call attention for our people and also for the authorities of the government to pay attention to the importance of environmental ethics of construction. In doing so, this paper provides some strategic thinking about proactive management of urban construction disaster prevention afterward. And through it, the urban environment may hopefully built much toward the goals of sustainable development.
起訖頁 133-156
關鍵詞 營建科技營建防災管理都市環境規劃先發式管理作為營建工程生命週期環境成本分析生態規劃綠建築管理哲學源頭管理末端管理Construction technologyManagement of construction disaster preventionUrban environmental planningProactive managementLife Cycle of ConstructionEnvironmental cost benefit analysisEcological planningGreen buildingManagerial philosophySource managementDistal management
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200406 (29期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 從演化倫理學的立場談非人類中心主義的環境倫理如何可能?
該期刊-下一篇 環境倫理規範及其集體行動之間隙探究




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