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On Mou Tsung-san's Views on Classics' Interpretation: Using His Pre-Ch'in Taoist Study as a Manifestation
作者 鄭宗義
This paper attempts to expose the views of Mou Tsung-san on classics' interpretation in the light of contemporary philosophical hermeneutics. We argue that although Mou had never been influenced by Western hermeneutics, his methodological principles of acquiring an appropriate interpretation of canonical texts appear implicitly in his works especially those exegeses and commentaries. According to Mou, an objective and appropriate understanding of classics based on three interrelated hermeneutic principles: textual study, philosophical thinking and the existential correspondence of the interpreter. Interestingly, it is seemed that here lies a certain kind of similarity between Mou's views and their counterparts in the western philosophical hermeneutics. In order to have a concrete analysis, we use Mou's Pre Ch'in Taoist study as a manifestation, and try to show how he asserts that the spirit of Taoist philosophy is a special kind of metaphysics in the line of vision by following his hermeneutic principles.
起訖頁 371-405
關鍵詞 牟宗三哲學詮釋學(文本)知識(哲學)思辨(存在)感觸境界形態的形上學Mou Tsung-sanphilosophical hermeneuticstextual studyphilosophical thinkingexistential correspondingmetaphysics in the line of vision
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200112 (24期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 伊藤仁齋與「人文時代」的《論語》解--以「知天命」 說為主軸
該期刊-下一篇 中國歷史思考中的秦帝國經驗




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